Green Bay High School

Gifted & Talented


gifted and talented

Green Bay High School offers a wide range of learning extension opportunities within specific learning areas.

There are a number of learning enrichment and acceleration opportunties available - these include selection for upper band classes and separate curriculum enrichment opportunites in selected areas. These contribute to coherent pathways of learning for Gifted and Talented students, such as academic competitions (Maths, Music, Art, Creative Writing, Science, Debating) and Cultural Groups (Clubs, School Bands, School Production, Kapa Haka, Kapa Hauora).

Selection for Learning Enrichment Option (LEO) utilises information from:

YEAR 8 & 9:

  • Diagnostic reports
  • School assessments & learning
  • Teacher nomination
  • Parent referral
  • Student achievements & awards

YEAR 9 & 10

  • Upper Band Core Class
  • Junior Gifted & Talented Education Mentoring
  • Learning Enrichment Option (LEO)
  • Acceleration between levels
  • Individual Education Plans (where indicated)

YEAR 11, 12, 13

  • Subject Specific Banding
  • Senior Gifted & Talented Education Mentoring
  • Individual Education Plans (where indicated)
  • Acceleration between Levels
  • Scholarship Examinations
  • Young Scholars Programme

Upper Band Core Class Selection:

Initial placements in upper band classes are based on Year 8 testing, feedback from intermediate schools, and information from caregivers and students during enrolment. Placements in the upper band are reviewed with subject teachers at the start and end of Year 9 and 10 based. The review considers individual student assessment results (subject specific, PAT and asTTle) learning dispositions and core teacher observatoins and recommendations.

Learning Enrichment Option:

Learning Enrichment Option (LEO) is an invite-only option available at Year 9 and Year 10 for academically able students. The Year 9 course allows students to pursue areas of interest, building on their capacity to use their strengths to maximise achievement. It provides opportunities for students to learn about their individual thinking behaviours and learning styles, while developing their problem solving skills. There are also opportunities for students to further develop their interpersonal skills through collaborative learning within a positive group culture.
The Year 9 course leads to LEO at Year 10. At this level, students will develop skills in critical thinking by exploring philosophy and ethics and by examining abstract concepts such as creativity, truth and justice. This will aid students in developing their higher-order thinking skills that will help maximise grades and promote enjoyment of learning.

Individual Education Planning:

Selected students will have individualised education plans created to aid in the development of their personal learning capabilities. In this way, student learning is further personalised to support the realisation of potential. Caregivers and students will be involved in the development of these education plans.

For more information about our Learning Enrichment & Acceleration program, please contact us as below, with the word 'LEAP' in the subject line:
LEAP Coordinator: Sylvie Howell via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 236.
Head of Learning & Assessment Support: Sarah Barrett-Hamilton via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 228.
Scholarship: Teresa Callaghan via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 250.
Deputy Principal: Elaine Webb via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 219.


Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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