Green Bay High School


Nau Mai Haere Mai



Nau Mai Haere Mai

int enrolment image

We look forward to welcoming you!

Application Process

Green Bay High School will consider applications from students all over the world aged 13-19 years old.

As you work through the online application, you can ‘save draft’ and come back to it later. If you have any questions please email us.

You will be asked to upload a copy of the following documents to the online application, or email them to us if you are submitting your application by email.

  • Passport
  • Last 2 years of school reports including attendance
  • Letter of introduction (family, school, hobbies, goals, reasons for coming, interesting facts)
  • Insurance policy details in English (if purchasing your own insurance). We highly recommend using the school approved insurer.
  • Vaccination certificate if available. We strongly advise students to have the measles vaccine.

Note that the 4 following schedules are also included in the Contract of Enrolment.

Green Bay High School will review and respond to your application within two working days. If you are applying to us directly (not through an agent) we will set up a time to interview you over skype or Zoom.

  • Once a decision is made and the student is accepted, we will send an Offer of Place and Invoice. Fees can be paid online or at the bank. There is information about this on the invoice. As soon as the fees have been paid, we will send out a Receipt and a Confirmed Offer of Place. We will also purchase your insurance if you choose to book that through us. If you are using your own insurance company we require a copy of the insurance policy in English so we can ensure it meets the Code of Practice requirements.
  • The Confirmed Offer of Place and receipt are used to apply for a Student Visa online through Immigration New Zealand. If you have an agent they will assist you in this process. We will then begin the process of matching the student with a suitable host family. We will send you the host family details 1 - 2 months prior to your arrival in NZ. This gives the families and students time to connect prior to arrival.
  • We will be in touch to get your flight details and send you the pre-arrival information.
CLICK HERE for Fees and Term Dates 2025

Green Bay High School will issue an Offer of Place to a selected student but the level of study offered is an indicator only. Selection and placement are conditional upon the school being able to meet the needs of the student. Quality applicants are sought whose proficiencies and career intentions are matched by the opportunities Green Bay High School offers. Generally students are placed with their age level. However, the school has the right to place students in appropriate subjects and year levels for their abilities. Students entering the school as International Students must have the prior learning necessary and the intellectual and emotional capacity to cope with study in New Zealand in English at the level they have enrolled in.


Our orientation begins before students depart their home country. Once students have a confirmed placement, some pre-arrival information will be sent out and an online orientation made available about two months prior to arrival in NZ. Then once students arrive they will participate in a two day orientation with the other new students.

  • Orientation Booklet The purpose of the orientation is to familiarise the new students with the school, buildings, International staff, their rights and responsibilities, some of the school language and so on. There will also be testing to see which students require ESL classes.
  • Pre Arrival Information
    Our most popular start dates are the beginning of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 3. Two day orientations are planned for these times to ensure students are ready to begin classes. Students arriving at other times will have a more intensive shorter orientation with the International Dean.
English Level

We have excellent ESOL support for students who need extra help with their English and have classes to cater for all levels. There will be an English test for all students as part of the orientation. These students study ESOL instead of English but follow a regular academic programme for their other subjects. Students with better English are more successful in gaining the credits needed to get into university.


Student diversity is a focus at Green Bay High School and we aim to have a wide variety of nationalities represented. This sometimes means we need to limit the numbers from each country to ensure diversity among the student population. If we have no places available for students of one nationality, we can place them on a waiting list in case a place becomes available. If you would like to check availability before applying, please email us: [email protected]

Conditions of Enrolment

Upon enrolment at Green Bay High School, the student will abide by the same conditions as domestic students with regards to behaviour and absence. Enrolment as an International Student shall be terminated:

  • At the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age, in accordance with New Zealand law; or
  • At any time by agreement between the parties; or
  • By Green Bay High School if the student fails to pay fees in advance, or fails to abide by the same conditions as for domestic students, or fails to abide by the conditions of the International Student Tuition Agreement; or
  • If the student ceases to hold, or ceases to be eligible to hold, a valid student visa issued by the New Zealand Immigration Service.

It is compulsory for all international students to have full insurance cover throughout their time in New Zealand. As part of the application process Green Bay High School needs to ensure that the insurance has appropriate cover in accordance with the Code of Practice, copies provided here, as written in the following languages: ENGLISH / ARABIC / CHINESE / GERMAN / HINDI / JAPANESE / KOREAN / PORTUGUESE / SPANISH / THAI / VIETNAMESE

Insurance must be arranged prior to departure and must include:
  1. The students travel

    • a) To and from New Zealand; and
    • b) Within New Zealand; and
    • c) If the travel is part of the course, outside New Zealand
  2. Medical care in New Zealand, including diagnosis, prescription, surgery, and hospitalisation:

  3. Repatriation or expatriation of the student as a result of serious illness or injury, including cover of travel costs incurred by family members assisting with repatriation or expatriation:

  4. Death of the student, including cover of:

    • a) Travel costs of family memebers to and from New Zealand; and
    • b) Costs of repatriation or expatriation of the body; and
    • c) Funeral expenses

Green Bay High School works with Student Safe (underwritten by Allianz) who deliver a comprehensive policy for international students. Read the details of the policy HERE. Depending on length of stay in New Zealand the cost ranges from $143 for one term to $523 for one year.

If you choose to take out insurance in your own country, you will need to provide us with:

  1. A copy of your policy in English
  2. Evidence of its validity
  3. Evidence that the insurance policy covers all of the above
    These need to be sent to the school prior to your departure to give us time to ensure the cover is adequate and satisfies compliance expectations set by the Code of Practice.


Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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