Green Bay High School

Enrolment Information

Te Angitu Ngātahi - Succeeding Together


Enrolment Information

Te Angitu Ngātahi - Succeeding Together

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Green Bay High School is a state co-educational (Years 9 to 13) decile 8 secondary school, with a growing roll of approximately 1700 students, and has been serving its community for 50 years. Over this time it has been a leader in educational innovation, nurtured an outstanding number of very successful graduates and placed a high value on developing independent, confident young adults. The quality of a school reflects the quality of its relationship with the community it serves. Where there is a genuine partnership with families the outcomes for students are always enhanced.

Located on the edge of the Waitakere Ranges, much of the hinterland of the school is native bush reserve, flowing down to Auckland’s west coast beaches and Manukau Harbour. The majority of students come from the suburbs of Titirangi, Green Bay and Glen Eden and the semi-rural areas of Oratia, Laingholm and Huia. The school offers a wide range of sports, with a focus on both traditional sports codes but also seeking to respond to a diversity of interests in non-traditional sports activities.


Please read the information below to get started. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or phone the school office on (09) 817-8173 ext 201.

  • At Green Bay High School ALL APPLICATIONS (In Zone and Out of Zone) are completed online.
  • All IN-ZONE applications will be followed with an INTERVIEW (see information below).
  • The 'Address Finder' is a helpful tool, please use it to check if your address is within our SCHOOL ZONE.
  • Year 9 OUT OF ZONE Applications CLOSED on WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2024.
  • Please note: the Board of Trustees determined there are 5 places available for Out of Zone students at Year 9 in 2025.


    Once you have completed your enrolment application online, you will be required to attend an interview to complete the enrolment process. You will receive information on how to select subjects after your enrolment interview is completed and once you have confirmed your offer of place at Green Bay High School.

    STEP 1: Complete and Submit your ENROLMENT APPLICATION (Remember to attach documents to support your application)!

    Please note: You may receive an 'Error' code if your documents exceed the allowed space. In this instance you will need to re-submit your enrolment application (without attachments) and email all supporting documents (including Birth Certifcate, School Report, Proof of Address (in zone only), Immunisation Records) to [email protected] with the enrolling student's name in the subject line of the email.


    STEP 2: THE INTERVIEW PROCESS (all In-Zone applicants will be interviewed)

    Year 9 (In Zone) enrolments, once the enrolment application has been completed online, you will be required to attend an ENROLMENT INTERVIEW at the school at one of the following times; IN ZONE interviews are a compulsory requirement of IN ZONE enrolment applications. **

    ENROLMENT INTERVIEWS FOR IN-ZONE (YEAR 9): No appointment time needed, simply come along during the following times:

  • Saturday 3 August 2024: 9am - 2pm (completed)
  • Saturday 10 August 2024: 9am - 2pm (completed)
  • Tuesday 13 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • Tuesday 20 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • Tuesday 27 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • If an interview appointment (Year 9 enrolment) at another time is required, please contact the school office on 817-8173 ext 201
  • Please ensure you have submitted your documents online as part of your enrolment application (or) attach and send them directly to [email protected] using your child’s name in the subject line.

    ENROLMENT INTERVIEWS FOR IN-ZONE (YEARS 10- 13): By Appointment Only: phone 817-8173 ext 234

  • Tuesday 6 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • Thursday 15 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • Thursday 22 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • Thursday 29 August 2024: 4pm - 6pm (completed)
  • If an interview appointment (Years 10-13) at another date is required, please phone Julie Southey: 817-8173 ext 234
  • Please ensure you have submitted your documents online as part of your enrolment application (or) attach and send them directly to [email protected] using your child’s name in the subject line.

    STEP 3: AFTER THE INTERVIEW (In Zone applicants only):
  • Following the interview, a letter was sent by FRIDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2024 requesting confirmation of enrolment.
  • Accepting (or) declining the enrolment position was to be completed by FRIDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2024
  • Students who accept their Offer of Place at Green Bay High School were invited on FRIDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 to complete their online course selections for 2025
  • Course Selections were to be completed by FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2024


  • All Out of Zone applications were to be completed by WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2024

    The BALLOT DATE (5 places for Year 9 students only) was held on WEDNESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2024

  • Final offers of one of the 5 places to successful Year 9 applicants was made by FRIDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2024
  • Successful Out of Zone applicants were to confirm their position by FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
  • Those students who accepted a place at Green Bay High School were invited on FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2024 to complete their online course selections for 2025.
  • Course selections were to b completed by FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 2024

    Any questions? Please contact us via email at: [email protected] or phone the school office on 817-8173 ext 201. We are happy to help!


    Before you begin the enrolment application, please ensure that you have the following documents available to upload:
    NZ Citizen: (In Zone): Enrolling student's Birth Certificate and/or Passport, Proof of Residential Address (eg utility account), recent School Report, Vaccination Record. (Out of Zone): Enrolling student's Birth Certificate and/or Passport, recent School Report, Vaccination Record.
    Non NZ Citizen: (In Zone): Enrolling student AND Parent Passport + current VISA for both parent and student, Proof of Residential Address (eg utility account), recent School Report, Vaccination Record. (Out of Zone): Enrolling student AND Parent Passport + current VISA for both parent and student, recent School Report, Vaccination Record.

    Ballot Priorities

    Applicants are accepted in this order as defined by the Ministry of Education:
    (1) First priority must be given to any applicant who is accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school (please note: Green Bay High School does not have any specially funded programmes so this does not apply for our school)
    (2) Second priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school
    (3) Third priority must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school
    (4) Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
    (5) Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the Board of the school, or a child of a member of the Board of the school
    (6) Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.

Ballot Priorities

For schools that operate a ballot, there are a set of priorities as outlined in the Education Act. The six priorities are outlined below:

  1. First priority must be given to any applicant who is accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school (This is not applicable at GBHS)
  2. Second priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school
  3. Third priority must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school
  4. Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
  5. Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school
  6. Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants

Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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