Green Bay High School

Join our Alumni

Connect & Re-Connect

Foundation 25 Years

Be part of GBHS's Alumni - Register NOW!

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini - My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective.

Our people and their shared and individual experiences are what binds our community.

Our vision is Te Angitu Ngātahi - Succeeding Together, and as a school we make time to foster strong relationships across our wider school community.

Help us build our GBHS Alumni network! Connect and re-connect with peers:

We are proud to have some very bright and talented students come through our doors, many of whom have gone on to achieve great things! Let us know what you have gone on to achieve. Open a world of new networking and opportunities via our Alumni connections.


Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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