Green Bay High School

Learning Support

& Special Assessment Conditions

fun and support

GBHS has a tailored learning and assessment programme to best meet the individual needs of students

Support for learning and for assessment at Green Bay High School is based on need. We aim to provide the right type of support so that barriers to success are minimised and students leave GBHS as independent and empowered young adults.

Transition to High School:

We aim to ensure that all our students have the best start possible. Green Bay High School has a dedicated team that supports all students as they transition into our school. The transition programme is structured so that students feel welcome and valued as a member of GBHS as quickly as possible. The team gathers information about every enrolling student prior to starting in Year 9. Information is collected from parents and students at enrolment time, from Year 8 teachers, and during our Year 8 orientation visits. Some students will require more preparation before beginning high school. The transition team organises additional small group visits, teacher introductions, and tours with a school map as needed.

Support for students in Year 9 and Year 10 has two primary goals: To nurture students and provide for their diverse needs and to prepare students for the realities of NCEA in the senior school, including possible use of Special Assessment Conditions. All students in Year 9 and Year 10 are screened for writing speed, legibility and spelling ability.

Literacy and Numeracy Options:

In Year 9, students are able to choose Literacy or Numeracy as an option. These courses are in addition to Year 9 English and Mathematics and are designed for students who require just a little extra learning time, with the goal of accelerating progress.

Learning Enrichment Option:

Learning Enrichment Option (LEO) is available for capable students in Years 9 and 10. In Year 9, students have the opportunity to pursue areas of personal special interest. In Year 10, students develop individual philosophical and critical thinking skills while investigating authentic social issues.

Learning Support Coordinators:

Green Bay High School has two Learning Support Coordinators who work closely with students, whānau and staff to help ensure that individual student’s learning and/or behaviour needs are met. They support the pastoral and academic teams in our school.

Homework Centre:

Our Homework Centre runs in the library after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15pm - 4:30pm. There is a member of staff from each department present to assist students with any questions they may have about what they are learning in class.

Peer Tutoring:

All students are able to sign up for Peer Tutoring. Students are matched with peers who make contact and arrange how much or how little support is needed. This is a great opportunity for one-to-one support and for students to get to know each other.

Teacher Aides:

We have a fantastic team of Teacher Aides who work with students across the school. They may provide individual support for students in classes, work with groups or be an extra pair of hands for the teacher, depending on what is needed.

Special Assessment Conditions:

Green Bay High School has excellent support systems in place to ensure all students are able to access assessment opportunities and are able to show what they know in tests and exams. We work with whānau, teachers and students to identify who may require assessment support and ensure these supports are in place so that all students can experience assessment success - both in the junior and senior school. Students identified as benefiting from using special assessment conditions, such as a Reader, a Writer, Use of Computer, and/or Extra time, have the option of using any or all of these conditions for all assessments. The progress of all senior students, (Years 11, 12, 13) is tracked to provide early identification and allow for timely intervention if there are any concerns.


Students at risk of not achieving (SARONAs) are provided with a variety of support options to enable them to access the learning necessary for positive academic development. Individual support programmes are developed by departments, the Deans team and by ongoing academic counselling.

The Bridging Programme:

The Bridging Programme caters for students who find the traditional structures of secondary school particularly challenging. The programme is designed to be responsive to both the learning and pastoral needs of individual students with a particular emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy. It is a flexible pathway designed to support students throughout their secondary school education. Students transition into and out of the programme as and when appropriate.

Academic Counselling:

Green Bay High School offers a range of supports to ensure all students achieve their academic goals. The progress of all senior students is tracked to provide early identification and allow for timely intervention if there are concerns. Students at risk of not achieving are provided with a variety of support options to enable them to access the learning necessary for positive academic development. These programmes are developed by departments, the Deans team and by ongoing academic counselling.

Transition from High School:

Our Careers team works very closely with individual students, classes and year groups to maximise the opportunities our students have to discuss career pathways. They offer a wide range of work experience and Gateway opportunities, as well as advice on scholarships, apprenticeships and tertiary options.

For more information about our Learning & Assessment Support program, please contact:
Head of Learning & Assessment Support: Sarah Barrett-Hamilton via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 228.
Head of Department - Bridging Programme: Linda Heckler via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 228.
Gifted & Talented Education Coordinator: Sylvie Howell via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 236.
Deputy Principal - Student Services: Sandy Begg via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 216.
Learning Support Coordinator (Learning): Kim Vaigalu via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 278.
Learning Support Coordinator: Clare Cheetham via email (or) phone 817-8173 ext 278.


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Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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