The Library Hub
- Open Hours: 8:00am - 3.30pm
- Books, Ebooks and Audiobooks to borrow
- Printing and photocopying
- Group meeting spaces
- Just hang out and read or study
- Homework Centre: Tuesday & Thursday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Love Reading? Borrow a Good Book!
- You may borrow up to 4 books for 3 weeks
- Your Student ID is also your library card
- Library staff will renew your books if you need them for longer
Printing and Photocopying
Unsure how to print your documents? Our friendly library staff will help you print, scan or photocopy. Student ID cards are used in the school library for issuing books, photocopying, and printing assignments. Credit may be loaded onto the ID card for printing purposes via the Monitor Box situated in the school library.
Printing Costs:
- (A4) 10 cents
- (A3) 20 cents
Full Colour
- (A4) 40 cents
- (A3) 80 cents