Green Bay High School

Digital Exam Information

(Term 2, 2024)

be the best

TERM 2 (2025) Common Assessment Activity (CAA) Digital Exams for Literacy and Numeracy.

The first Common Assessment Activity (CAA) Digital Exams for Literacy and Numeracy is taking place in week 4 of term 2 (19th - 30th May 2025). This is an important time for our Year 10 students who will have their first opportunity to sit the exams.
The following timeline is part of our ongoing support in preparation for Year 10s and selected Years 11-13 students.
If students are unable to sit these exams another opportunity is scheduled for later in the year (1st - 12th of September).

Term 2 Week 1:
  • Creating NCEA student login (and/or) logging into your account. (Teachers at school will support this process)
  • Exam Rooms for each exam will be emailed. Students will be placed alphabetically
  • Year 10s will be practising exam questions in classes
  • Years 11-13 students can order workbooks: Numeracy essentials $17 and Literacy $15. Please contact [email protected] to place your order.
  • Years 11-13: Workshop for Reading/Writing/Numeracy taking place in the Auditorium (date to be advised). Please bring your books! Please note: Students can bring headphones to access text to speech functions (Polly) for Writing and Numeracy
Term 2 Weeks 2 & 3:
  • Checklist for Device and exam process
  • Year 10s will be practising exam questions in classes
  • Years 11-13: Workshops for Reading/Writing/Numeracy taking place in the Auditorium on (date to be advised). Please bring your books!
Term 2 Week 4: EXAM DATES:

Exam timetable will be posted here, once confirmed by NZQA. Please check here for an update.


Students will be supported in class in preparation for their digital exams, however, parent/caregiver help at home is greatly appreciated.

  • HOW TO CREATE YOUR NZQA ACCOUNT (Week 1 / Term 2) Teachers will be supporting Year 10 students to create NCEA student login and access accounts
  • NZQA DEVICE AND CHECKLISTS: Ensure you have Google chrome installed on your device! Ensure you have created a NCEA Student Login!
  • FIND PAST DIGITAL EXAMS: Instructions on how to access past LIT/NUM digital exams:
    1. Go to: (scroll down to access Reading/Writing/Numeracy)
    2. Enter NSN, Verification code and access code to enter the exam from below (students can't save their answers )
      NSN: View2024
      Verification code: Tw3nty/24
      Access code: 0000

Any patai / questions? Please contact the senior Level Dean (or) Deputy Principal Kheang Ov for more information.


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Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

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Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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