Green Bay High School


Key Dates

Year 9 start up info

Each year group has a Level Dean who works closely with your child’s form teacher and subject teachers. The Dean is supported by an Assistant Dean, and together they oversee the wellbeing, pastoral care, academic counselling, and behaviour management of the students in their cohort, and usually follow their group through to graduation from Green Bay High School. The Deans, therefore, will come to know your child very well, and, along with their form teacher, will be the people who parents and whānau can contact. The Deputy Principal aligned with Year 9 is Sandy Begg.



All Year 9 students will be placed into their form classes during their first orientation day on Thursday 30 January 2025. For most students, this will be their class for both Year 9 and 10 where they will do all of their core subjects (i.e. English, Maths, Science, Social Studies and PE with Health). Our form classes are carefully created with all decisions being determined holistically, using a broad range of data and information. This includes test scores for English/Literacy and Mathematics/Numeracy, as well as overall teacher judgements (OTJs) of a student's level in different aspects of the curriculum from their intermediate school. We also use the non-verbal reasoning test score from the transition visits. Further to this, we have information collected during enrolment interviews and a transition profile completed by current Year 8 teachers about each student.

We have a history of successfully placing most students into the best class for them from the outset. However, we are always happy to communicate with students and parents/whānau should the need for change be the case. We will also check our placement of students part-way through Term 1, as well as at other times periodically throughout the year.


THURSDAY 30 JANUARY 2025 9:00AM - 3:15PM Students are encouraged to bring their whānau/families to our official welcome. The initial assembly point will be at the front of the school on the grassed area outside Visitor Reception at 9.00am.

The pōwhiri will be over by approximately 10.30am. Students will then enter the gym where they will meet their form teacher and other class members, while family members can join our staff in the staff room for refreshments.

An orientation programme will be run in form classes with the assistance of our fantastic Year 10 and 11 mentors, and our Student Leaders. This will include information about school routines, school layout, stationery, timetables, activities to assist students with getting to know their new classmates, setting up of devices and an introduction to our school values. The focus is on getting our Year 9 students 'school ready'.

Please note that students are to be dressed in full school uniform and will be expected to have their electronic device, which should preferably be a chromebook or a laptop. Refer to our school website: (and/or) for further details on this.

Students should bring a packed lunch and water bottle as the tuck shop will not be open. School will finish at 3.15pm with buses running as usual.


FRIDAY 31 JANUARY 2025 8:40AM - 3:15PM Students will go to their form classes at 8.40am and will continue with their orientation programme. This will include meeting their core subject teachers, and visiting their classrooms.

Please note that students are to be dressed in full school uniform and will be expected to have their electronic device, which should preferably be a chromebook or a laptop. Refer to our school website: (and/or) for further details on this.

Students should bring a packed lunch and water bottle as the tuck shop will not be open. School will finish at 3.15pm with buses running as usual.


  • Thursday 30 January 2025: Year 9 Orientation Day 1 including Pōwhiri (9am-3.15pm)
  • Friday 31 January 2025: Year 9 Orientation Day 2 (8.40am - 3.15pm)
  • Monday 3 February 2025: ALL STUDENTS (8.40am - 3.15pm)
  • Thursday 6 February 2025: WAITANGI DAY (public holiday)


Transport: The school bus services and routes are available on our school website: . All students using the school bus services should have signed the bus agreement on the enrolment form.

Uniform: All Years 9, 10, 11, 12 students wear the school uniform. Green Bay High School works with Argyle OnLine as the seller of our school uniform. information. There are two ways to purchase uniform:

  • a) ONLINE You can order your school uniform at any time. You will be able to pay by credit or debit card, account to account or zip pay. You can also generate a quote to take to WINZ or other charitable organisations. Orders are delivered directly to your door. To place an order, follow the steps below:
  • Step 1: Click the link on the Green Bay High School website: or go directly to and find Green Bay High School under Shop Argyle OnLine.
  • Step 2: Measure your child following the measuring tips on the Argyle OnLine website. Compare the measurements with the size chart on each product page. Or you can book a fitting at the Argyle retail store, located at 4/91 Central Park Drive, Henderson (fitting bookings open from November 11th 2024. Booking slots will start from the 5th of December 2024). The retail store opens on 5 December 2024 and will be open every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, from 3pm - 6pm (term time only).
  • Step 3: Choose your size and quantity and add to cart.
  • Step 4: Go to checkout once you have selected all your items. You can then register or login. Enter your delivery and billing address, and select your preferred payment method. Proceed to payment.
  • Step 5: You will receive an order confirmation by email followed by a courier track & trace email when your order is dispatched. Expect delivery 3-5 working days after payment.

  • b) SHOP Argyle is opening a retail shop at 4/91 Central Park Drive, Henderson on 5 December 2024. The shop will be open for Green Bay High School students at the times listed below and families will need to book online. Please note: Bookings open from the 11th of November 2024. Booking slots will start from the 5th of December 2024

    Argyle Shop Hours (2024):

  • Thursday 5 December: 3pm - 6pm
  • Tuesday 10 December: 3pm - 6pm
  • Thursday 12 December: 3pm - 6pm
  • Saturday 14 December: 10am - 3pm
  • Tuesday 17 December: 3pm - 6pm
  • Thursday 19 December: 3pm - 6pm

Argyle Shop Hours (2025):

  • Thursday 16 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Friday 17 January: 10am - 4pm
  • Saturday 18 January: 10am - 3pm
  • Tuesday 21 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 22 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Thursday 23 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Friday 24 January: 10am - 4pm
  • Saturday 25 January: 10am - 3pm
  • Tuesday 28 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 29 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Thursday 30 January: 10am - 6pm
  • Friday 31 January: 10am - 4pm
  • Tuesday 4 February:10am - 3pm
  • Wednesday 5 February: 10am - 3pm
  • Thursday 7 February: 10am - 3pm

    Note: after 7 February 2025 the uniform shop will be open every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 3pm to 6pm (term time only) however Bookings are essential - Please CLICK HERE to make a fitting appointment and/or purchase uniform.

    Please click HERE for more information regarding GBHS uniform, prices, ordering, and fitting bookings.


    How can I get a WINZ quote? ONLINE At the checkout after you have entered your delivery address, select WINZ quote as your payment method. A quote will be emailed to you. Take the quote to your nearest WINZ office for processing. Please arrange for WINZ to pay the quoted price directly into the account number provided; we cannot accept payment cards. SHOP WINZ quotes can be provided at your appointment, and uniforms collected once payment has been received from WINZ.

Why do I need to measure my child? Sizes can vary from garment to garment and sizes differ from retail clothing brand sizes. Measuring tapes will be available at the school office for online purchases.

What happens if I order the wrong style or size? You will be responsible for the cost of returning the garment for a replacement. The replacement will be couriered to you free of charge.

How will my order be delivered? Deliveries will only be made to a physical address in New Zealand and are sent through Courier Post. A signature is required as proof of delivery unless you request a delivery without signature when placing your order.

Is the ArgyleOnLine website pricing inclusive or exclusive of GST? ArgyleOnLine website pricing for both garments and freight charges are inclusive of GST. Additional Information and FAQS can be found HERE If you need further assistance you can chat with the Argyle team online or via one of the methods below: Phone: 0800 11 00 59 (available 24/7) Email: [email protected]


Stationery **NB: We recommend waiting for timetables to be confirmed (Week 1, 2025) before purchasing stationery for option subjects. However, you can purchase the Year 9 Core Pack ($78.00) at this stage.

We have teamed up with OfficeMax and our stationery requirements for each class/year will be loaded on to for you to view, download or order.

OfficeMax My School benefits are:

  • Competitive prices.
  • Free delivery for orders over $70 incl. GST.
  • Multiple ordering options – online at, telephone: 0800 724 440, mail order or OfficeMax retail store.
  • Delivery that suits – you can arrange delivery to your home or workplace, and receive your order during the holidays to allow plenty of time to cover your books.
  • Your child will have the correct supplies that will last.
  • Choose to pay with your credit/debit card or alternatively pay by cash in an OfficeMax retail store.
  • To order by mail order all you have to do is go to, select the items you require, and when you get to check out, click on the Mail Order Form button. This will build a customised mail order form for you to print.

Note: Please check the delivery windows at to ensure you place your order in time to receive delivery before school starts. You can find more information regarding school stationery on the Green Bay High School website:

Other Charges There are also charges for some subjects, workbooks and compulsory items, which need to be paid to Green Bay High School. For example: Voluntary School Donation: In 2025 the Voluntary School Donation is $225 for the First child attending, and $70 (for each subsequent sibling attending).
Student ID Card: $12 - This is used for borrowing books from the library, student bus fares, printing and photocopying from school and exam entry.
Subject Fees: There may also be fees for subjects which have take home components - e.g. some Technology programmes. These will be listed on your child’s school invoice which you will be able to access on the parent portal. Please note that Year 9 students have a change of option subjects at the beginning of Term 3, so there may be some new subject fees invoiced at that stage.
WINZ: Please note: WINZ quotes need to be made payable to Green Bay High School for any subject/workbook fees. WINZ payments for stationery should be made to OfficeMax.
Sport & Extra Curricular: In addition to the above fees there are extra fees for students involved in sports and other curricular activities. You will be notified of these fees by email as they occur, and they will then appear on your student’s invoice. Invoices are available to view via the parent portal.
Payment Options: Payments need to be made at school to the accounts office. We accept cash, EFTPOS and credit card. We also recommend automatic payments; a small amount each week can be much more manageable. Our school online banking details are: 12-3034-0840634-00 GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL BOARD, please use your child’s student ID number as a reference to appear on our bank statement. Should you have any queries please contact our accounts team, Audra Neun on 817 8173 ext 210 (or) Donna Davey on 817 8173 ext 211.


Blended Learning is learning that integrates digital resources and web based learning with traditional face-to-face class tasks in a planned, pedagogically sound manner. Learning is at the heart of blended learning - not technology; technology is the tool we will use.

Green Bay High School is a blended learning school, which means that all students are requested to bring a 1:1 computing device to school. The method of content delivery will be through a blend of Google Classroom and traditional teaching tools. Each student will have their own unique Green Bay High School Google Account giving them access to Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Sites, and a whole host of other digital platforms. The students will utilise their devices in a myriad of different ways across learning areas.

To accommodate the wide variety of demands, needs and uses across our learning areas, the devices will need to be suitable for typing and editing documents, manipulating photos, collaborating online and using internet resources and tools. At Green Bay High School, the device must be a laptop form factor. That is, it is either a Chromebook, Laptop, Ultrabook or Macbook. iPads or other tablet devices are NOT suitable for our blended learning programme.

One of the many realities of computing in a school environment is that students require a highly portable device with a very long battery life. Students must carry their device from class to class every hour and will not be able to rely on having an opportunity or place to recharge their battery during the day. In addition to this, student devices must also be wireless and internet capable, have a good warranty and be robust which often means the build quality of the device should be high.


The move from intermediate school to high school can be a significant event for young people. In order to make this change as easy as possible, we run a structured transition programme for all Year 8 students intending to come to Green Bay High School in 2025.

The visit is designed to help relieve some of the stress which can be associated with starting at a new school as well as an initial chance to begin building relationships with key people. Students will attend on one of the following days:

  • Monday 25 November 2024: Students from Glen Eden Intermediate School (MURIWAI mini school)
  • Tuesday 26 November 2024: Students from Glen Eden Intermediate School (PIHA mini school), and students from Green Bay School
  • Thursday 28 November 2024: Students from Glen Eden Intermediate School (KAREKARE mini school), and students from schools other than our main contributing schools
  • Friday 29 November 2024: Students from Glen Eden Intermediate School (TE HENGA mini school), and students from Blockhouse Bay Intermediate School

Further details will be provided. We look forward to working in partnership with your family over the next five years.

Download our FREE School App:

The Schoolbridge App is your one-stop-shop for all student related platforms and is our main form of instant communication for news, notices and alerts. As well as using the App to notify the school of an absence or appointment, you can also check your child's Timetable, view Reports and Results, book Parent/Student/Teacher conferences online, look up Sports Draw and live Sports results...and much, much, more! Please download the SchoolBridge app (iOS - HERE) and (Android - HERE).

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Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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