21 June 2024
A fascinating fact about Green Bay High School: amongst our learners there are over 54 different nationalities represented.
As a school we always want to improve and learn, and we want to build closer relationships with individual learners and their families, to ensure that we understand their needs, and to shape how we reflect them in school life.
Regular hui with our Māori and Pasifika whānau have been instrumental to developing closer relationships with those communities. On Tuesday 2 July at 6pm we will host our first hui for families who have migrated to New Zealand, including refugees.
We hope that through this hui, we will start to get to know each other and learn what success looks like for migrant communities within our school. While invitations have gone home with all of our ESOL students, if you are interested in attending, please contact the school for details (or just show up).
Thank you to the families who have responded to the opportunity to take part in an 8 week self defence course with Quintin Derham. If you missed the information last week, you can read more about it in the article below, and we’ll leave the google form open for another week. Information about the day the course will run and the starting date will be confirmed by the end of term 2.
It’s the shortest day of the year - we look forward to seeing you at Matariki celebrations next week.
Ngā mihi nui, Fiona Barker PRINCIPAL

Wednesday 24 July 2024. 3.30pm – 7.00pm Serving families in Green Bay, Titirangi and the surrounding areas, our focus is on learning that is relevant, exciting and meets the needs of all our students. At Green Bay High School, teachers know their students, they make time to foster strong relationships and support all students to achieve their best throughout the five years they are with us. Come along to our Open Evening and see the great range of opportunities available. Tours are available from…
7th June 2024 at 2:10pm