12 April 2024
Kia ora e te whānau; It has been a fantastic week full of opportunities and accolades - as was evident in today's Year level assemblies celebrating students who received certificates for their exemplary demonstration of upholding our school values. It is great to see and hear about student success, not only in the classroom, but as sportspeople, and citizens of our community.
The current weather signals the end of summer sports, and we are looking forward to the start of the Winter codes in term 2. I encourage all students to get involved. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact Hamish and Georgia in the Sports Department.
Winter also brings about changes to the school uniform, please remember that the Winter school uniform allows for WHITE long sleeves to be worn under the school shirt. However, socks (and/or) stockings are BLACK.
We wish our Te Ahi Ka students safe travels as they head to Rarotonga as part of a cultural experience. This will be the first overseas school trip (since Covid) for GBHS, and we are excited to see the world of travel once again becoming a valuable learning option.
Tomorrow is the Starry Night Ball for our Year 12 and 13 students. There’s been a lot of work put in to make the evening a great event and I’m looking forward to seeing our stunning students in all their finery.
Have a great term break!
Fiona Barker, PRINCIPAL

YR 9 Term 1 Prizegiving 2024
Kia pou whirinaki tātou. Kia mahara anō ki te tara iti - To be reliable, consistent and dependable in our pursuit of excellence, and to always be reminded to nurture and care for the little things. Congratulations to all students who received EXEMPLARY DEMONSTRATION OF SCHOOL VALUES at today's Term 1 Award Assemblies.
Avisa Asghari (W9DSZ) Mathematics
Eshaan Aujla (K9HKL) Science
Ben Avery (A9KHA) English, Forensics
Ruby Bagley (P9JLY) Mathematics
Ben Ball…
12th April 2024 at 8:00am