Green Bay High School

YR 11 Term 1 Prizegiving 2024

Exemplary Demonstration of School Values

awards certificates

YR 11 Term 1 Prizegiving 2024

Friday, 12th April 2024 at 8:26am

Kia pou whirinaki tātou. Kia mahara anō ki te tara iti - To be reliable, consistent and dependable in our pursuit of excellence, and to always be reminded to nurture and care for the little things.

Congratulations to all students who received EXEMPLARY DEMONSTRATION OF SCHOOL VALUES at today's Term 1 Award Assemblies.


Ibrahim Al Shanour (K12BAR) 01MAT
Bassid Attayee (W11WFD) 01MAE
Mysha Azimullah (Te Ahi Kā) 01TRM
Bianca Berry (A11EDM) 01ADP
Aaron Bray (K11BAR) 01MAT
Hunter Buday (W11BWR) 01PES
Mariana Callejas (K11PAR) 01MAT
Lilly Clements (M11CLS) 01SCG
Olive Cochrane (P11FIN) 01ADP
Illinois Cooney (A11MFD) 01MAE
Hamish Coutts (M11CLS) 01HES
Lexie Crawford (K11WMN) 01MAT
Elliott Driver-Manning (K11PAR) 01PED, 01SCG
Rowan Farrington (M11GUO) 01COM
Reuben Ferabend (Te Ahi Kā) 01TRM
Ella Fourie (K11PAR) 01DIT, 01MAE
Hana Gharib (W11BWR) 01JAP
Deziyah Green (W11WFD) 01SCG
Joseph Grigg (K11PAR) 01COM
Mercedes Gruene (W11BWR) 01MAT
James Harlowe (K11BAR) 01ENG
Ainslie Hinvest (W11FEL) 01ENG
Jack Irving (K11PAR) 01HIS
Saint Joseph (P11FIN) 01ADP
Krisha Karippail (W11BWR) 01GER
Samantha Keleti (A11EDM) 01ADP
Haelyn King (P11ELI) 01ENG
Danielle Lawrence (A11KEY) 01HOS
Jessica Layton (A11EDM) 01SCG
Lily Lei (W11FEL) 01DPS, 01MAE
Ada Li (W11FEL) ELA1
Simone Liew (P11ELI) 01GEO, 01PES
Penelope Logie (W11BWR) 01DPS
Amelia Ma'auga (P11ELI) 01SCG
Marina Mangnimit (W11FEL) 01JAP
Fletcher Martin (K11WMN) 01COM, 01PED
Nanda Nair (A11EDM) 01COM
Helen Nguyen (K11WMN) 01ENG
Alexia Owen (P11MMA) 01MAT
Keya Parekh (W11WFD) 01DIT, 01ENG
Alistair Peterson (K11PAR) 01PRD
Amy Phillips (W11BWR) 01ADP, 01ENG, 01MAE
Emelia Queenin (P11ELI) 01PRD
Julius Radich (P11MMA) 01SPA
Paul Rausch (W11FEL) 01GER
Jeanna Siapno (A11EDM) 01MAT
Isabel Tong (K11PAR) 01BIC
Dhithi Uppal (K11PAR) 01SOS
Lene Venter (W11WFD) 01MAT
Kristina Vinkovic (A11EDM) 01FDS, 01SCG
Charlie Whitten (P11ELI) 01CST
Bailey Wiseman (P11FIN) 01SCG
Campbell Wood (K11PAR) 01PED
Bella Wood (W11BWR) 01ENG, 01GEO
Tiger Wood-Weaver (K11PAR) 01DPS, 01ENG
Regina Wu (K11WMN) 01ENG
Tao Yamasaki (M11GUO) 01MAE

Bassid Attayee (W11WFD) 01MAE
Gayle Bain (A11KEY) 01BIC
Cejay Bodley (P11ELI) 01SCG
Aaron Bray (K11BAR) 01VOC
Fern Buley (W11WFD) 01MAE
Olive Cochrane (P11FIN) 01MAE
Xavier Cook (A11KEY) 01SCG
Brooke Eeles (K11WMN) 01SCG
Teheiva Estall-Arai (A11MFD) 01MAT
Reuben Ferabend (Te Ahi Kā) 01TRM
Ella Fourie (K11PAR) 01MAE
Jay Harvey-Jansen (A11EDM) 01SOS
Jack Hurle (P11ELI) 01PED
Joe Irvin (P11ELI) 01DIT
Jack Irving (K11PAR) 01ENG
Ema Kawai (P11FIN) 01JAP
Monty Kerr (K11PAR) 01DPS
Louis Kilpatrick (A11MFD) 01ENG
Ava Rose Lee Sang (P11FIN) 01TRM
Max McGregor (P11ELI) 01HIS
Sam Miller (W11WFD) 01MAE
Guilherme Mota (K11WMN) 01ENG
Alicia O'Brien (M11GUO) 01SCG
Georgie O'Neil (P11MMA) 01MAT, 01PED
Cassidy Peters (W11BWR) 01GER
Emelia Queenin (P11ELI) 01PRD
Finley Race (W13HEN) 01SPA
Arabella Ray (K11WMN) 01COM
Lily Roebeck (W11BWR) 01COM
Francesco Turchetto (W12GND) 01JAP
Ocean Turua (M11GUO) 01FDS
Madita Woge (A11EDM) 01HES
Tao Yamasaki (M11GUO) 01MAE


Bassid Attayee (W11WFD) 01CST, 01MAE
Leon Bird (K11WMN) 01ADP, 01COM, 01ENG
Emily Box (W11BWR) 01MAE
Aaron Bray (K11BAR) 01ENGL
Cameron Brown (A11MFD) 01SCG
Nicolas Cepeda Ramos (M11CLS) 01MAT
Anya Ciurlionis (P11ELI) 01SPA
Kyra Clark (M11GUO) 01ENG
Illinois Cooney (A11MFD) 01PED
Alisha Falkner (A11MFD) 01ENG
Rowan Farrington (M11GUO) 01MAE
Ella Fourie (K11PAR) 01MAE
Ollie Haworth (P11MMA) 01ENG
Bodhi Hellesoe (A11KEY) 01ENG
Ava Rose Lee Sang (P11FIN) 01MAT
Lily Lei (W11FEL) 01MAE
Eva Leota-Butler (A11KEY) 01ENG
Penelope Logie (W11BWR) 01PES
Marina Mangnimit (W11FEL) 01MAT
Isobel Mitchell (M11GUO) 01ENG
Alexia Owen (P11MMA) 01ENG
Keya Parekh (W11WFD)01SCG
Alistair Peterson (K11PAR) 01PRD
Frances Pickup (A11MFD) 01MAE
Sophie Proctor (K11PAR) 01ENG
Paul Rausch (W11FEL) 01PED
Chantay Robinson (P11FIN) 01SCG
Hollie Sorensen (K11PAR) 01ENG
Rachael Stephens (P11ELI) 01SOS
Nico Taylor (P11MMA) 01JAP
Dhithi Uppal (K11PAR) 01ENG
Sophie Van den Berg (P11FIN) 01JAP
Campbell Wood (K11PAR) 01HES
Bruce Xu (W11FEL) 01MAT
Tao Yamasaki (M11GUO) 01MAE, 01SCG


Abdul Al Shanour (M13CHB) 01VOC
Bassid Attayee (W11WFD) 01MAE
Owen Bates (M11GUO) 01SCG
George Bell (M11CLS) 01ENG
Glen Burney (P11ELI) 01MAE
Anya Ciurlionis (P11ELI) 01SOS
Lilly Clements (M11CLS) 01ENG, 01MAE
Slade Falconridge (W11FEL) 01MAT, 01PED
Loren Forgie (M11GUO) 01MAT
Ella Fourie (K11PAR) 01MAE
Jazlyn Gettins (Te Ahi Kā) 01SCG
Hana Gharib (W11BWR) 01HIS
Josh Greatwood (A11EDM) 01COM
Deziyah Green (W11WFD) 01MAT
Ollie Haworth (P11MMA) 01MAT
Saint Joseph (P11FIN) 01SCG
Ava Rose Lee Sang (P11FIN) 01TRM
Lily Lei (W11FEL) 01MAE
Isaiah Liki (M11CLS) 01ENG
Penelope Logie (W11BWR) 01HIS
Brooke Marsom (W11BWR) 01HES
Madison Noga (M11CLS) 01SCG
Keya Parekh (W11WFD) 01JAP
Alistair Peterson (K11PAR) 01PRD
Nika Plesnik (P11ELI) 01SPA
Emelia Queenin (P11ELI) 01PRD
Deacon Roberts (P11ELI) 01DIT
Brianna Roberts (P11MMA) 01ENG
Natsumi Sekizaki (P11FIN) 01ENG, 01MAT
Ollie Spinley (A11KEY) 01PES
Rachael Stephens (P11ELI) 01MAT
Ben Swainston (A11KEY) 01ENG
Raro Takeda (P11ELI) 01JAP
Ilai Tu'a (M11CLS) ELA3
Kristina Vinkovic (A11EDM) 01PED
Dayna Wells (P11FIN) 01MAT
Ethan Winson (K11PAR) 01MAT
Jayden Winstanley (A11KEY) 01PED
Emmie Wise (A11EDM) 01ENG
Bailey Wiseman (P11FIN) 01MAT
Tiger Wood-Weaver (K11PAR) 01SCG
Regina Wu (K11WMN) 01SCG
Tao Yamasaki (M11GUO) 01MAE
Yue Zhang (P13MGG) ELAF


Milla Heckman (W11BWR) _Nominated by Librarian Jenny Wrigley_ "Milla shows great dedication to the Library, she is always on time, is great at customer service, and is happy to do what ever job is needed to keep the Library running smoothly. Milla has consistently served as a Student Librarian, taking initiative with her Senior Librarian Project of improving the signage in the Library space. This project will benefit all students who use the library."

Penelope Logie (W11BWR) _Nominated by teacher Joanne Orr_ "Penelope brings a warm and enthusiastic energy to all she does. She is both academically driven and determined and also able to bring others along with her. Penelope has natural leadership qualities and is responsible, responsive, thinks deeply about her learning. Her mature and reflective approach to learning has med to considerable progress being made. it is her positivity and genuine desire to engage with content and discussion that makes her stand out to me. Her empathy and compassion are definite leadership strengths.

Deziyah Green (W11WFD) _Nominated by teacher Ashleigh Chibnall_ "Deziyah has gone above and beyond so far this year. She has worked alongside two international students and helped them to succeed this term. She has done this off her own back, with no guidance from me to do so. She has been super motivated to keep on top of her own classwork - so much so that she is so far ahead of the rest of the class, so that she can spend classtime working with these students, helping them on google translate so they are able to complete the classwork. I am incredibly proud of her and the effort she has made to make these students feel welcomed into our class."
Cameron Hattingh (K11PAR) _Nominated by teacher Rose Woolford_ "Cameron is a constantly positive influence in our classroom. He is hard working and committed to his achievement, but also a leader in modelling this attitude to others."


Deziyah Green (W11WFD)

Dhithi Uppal (K11PAR)
Brooke Eeles (K11WMN)
Evan Webster (K11WMN)
Saint Joseph (P11FIN)
Gracie Grinter (W11BWR)
Kayla Hume (W11WFD)
Ruby Morrow (W11WFD)


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

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