GBHS Newsletter (Week 3: 23 - 27 October 2023)
This has been the last week of the 2023 academic year for our senior students. While there have been plenty of celebrations and fun, it is always sad to say farewell to our seniors - especially our Year 13 students. Each Year 13 cohort leaves a mark on the school and the positive contribution that our senior students have made this year has been fantastic to see.
I love this time of the year because it is filled with so many celebrations. The Technology Expo this week showcased the phenomenal talent we have within the school. The projects on display showed an incredible level of skill and talent and of course, sitting right behind that is the amazing Technology teaching and support staff team who make it all possible.
There is still so much to offer our Year 9 and Year 10 students, who have a busy time ahead with upcoming events such as Beach Education, Junior Arts Showcase, and end-of-term Award Assemblies and celebrations.
I hope to see many of you at school events over the next few days.
Enjoy your weekend.
Fiona Barker, PRINCIPAL

Study Leave begins! End-of-Year Senior Assemblies were held in the school auditorium today, marking the last day of school for our seniors, before NZQA exams begin. A special Senior Prizegiving for Year 11 and Year 12 Award recipients will be held on Monday 30 October 2023. CLICK HERE for more information regarding Senior end-of-year dates, including Year 13 Graduation (formal and informal celebrations). We cannot stress enough the importance of both working hard for and sitting all external examinations.…
27th October 2023 at 12:25pm