17 May 2024
Kia ora e te whānau; Thanks to all of you who have been in touch this week to share your concerns about the challenging behaviours across the wider West Auckland community this week. We will continue to work closely with the police and other schools to share information and proactively deal with situations. Working together is the best way we can make a difference.
There are lots of great articles in this week’s newsletter, highlighting all the awesome things our students are involved in. From carbon composting to the Auckland Writers' Festival, getting involved in the wider life of the school provides a way to meet new people, learn new skills and find new hobbies.
Next week is a big week for our Year 10 students and some senior students who will be sitting the Literacy and Numeracy Common Assessment Activities (digital exams). We know that some students will take the week in their stride, for others it can feel very challenging. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Guidance Team if you feel that your child needs extra support during this time.
Have a great weekend.
Ngā mihi nui, Fiona Barker, PRINCIPAL

Exam Rooms
Common Assessment Activity (CAA) Digital Exams Taking place next week (21 - 23 May 2024). CAA exams are an important time for selected Years 11-13 students, and is also the first opportunity for Year 10 students to sit these exams. Students have been well supported in class:
Year 10s have created their NCEA student login (and/or) logged into their account - and have also been practising exam questions in classes. Years 11-13 students were encouraged to order workbooks and have completed several…
17th May 2024 at 9:00am