22 March 2024
Kia ora e te whānau; It was fantastic to see so many of you at school for the PSTs this week. Lot’s of parents told me that they really enjoyed putting a ‘face to the name’ of their children’s teachers as well as hearing about the progress being made. Our teacher's also enjoy the opportunity to meet whānau, to hear about what’s important to you and to work together when something is getting in the way of progress being made.
It’s been a great week for our summer tournament teams. Last night I happened to be in the school car park when the Boys’ Volleyball team returned from their games. When the doors to the van opened, joy and happiness came out! They had won both games that day and had just loved the experience of being out on tournament. Huge thanks to all the coaches, managers, staff and parents who have been out this week and our fantastic Sports Department. Some teams are still competing today, so we will do a final wrap-up next week.
It's a very busy time of the term, our junior students are in the middle of topic studies and most senior students will have assessments due between now and the end of term. While we are all looking forward to the Easter break, the next couple of short weeks do break the rhythm as we head towards the end of the term.
I know there are lots of bugs going around at the moment, however, if your child is well, attendance at school every day is really important. As a parent or caregiver, it can be difficult knowing how to support your child with their school work. The Google Guardian Summary is one way to get an overview on what should have been completed during the week (your child's teacher will have invited you to access this area via Google Classroom), and the Assessment Calendar on SchoolBridge lets you know the due dates for assessments. Please ensure you have downloaded the SchoolBridge App. This is the fastest way to get information and notices from the school.
Log in with the email account you have associated with your child’s enrolment at Green Bay High School and follow the prompts (or) check out this helpful video: How to Login to SchoolBridge *Please note the video shows a demonstration of how to sign in to SchoolBridge using a generic ‘school’ and ‘caregiver details’.
Have a great weekend, Fiona Barker, PRINCIPAL

Soaring Success
Congratulations to Cameron Moffat (Year 12) who has been awarded a National Scholarship - The Ross MacPherson Memorial - at the recent National Flying Awards dinner, held in Ashburton. The Scholarship will help Cameron obtain his private pilot’s licence and follow his dreams of becoming an air ambulance pilot. “The interest in flying began when I was in Year 7,” says Cameron, who learned about the Young Eagle program after talking to pilots he met at the Air Training Core. “And it all took off from…
21st March 2024 at 9:50am