23 August 2024
Mālō e lelei,
We’ve been celebrating Tongan language week and many of our students have taken part in language learning and other fun activities across the week. On Wednesday evening, we held our Pacific Family Evening and it was wonderful to welcome our Pacific whānau into our school, for an evening of sharing and connecting.
Thanks to everyone who has made contact about our new relocatable classrooms. There has been huge progress this week with the first six classrooms moving into place and work has started on the decking that connects them all. The next six classrooms will arrive in the next few weeks and all 12 rooms will be ready for use at the beginning of 2025. We are really looking forward to engaging with the Ministry of Education and Jasmax in the design of our new science building - we’ll update you as soon as there is any new information to share.
I want to acknowledge the sad passing of Sarah Stenson, Tumuaki/Principal of Kelston Girls’ College. Secondary Principals across West Auckland work closely together and Sarah’s presence will be sorely missed. Our heart goes out to the staff and students at Kelston Girls’ College.
Good luck to all our teams who are playing their last games of winter sport.
Have a great weekend.
Ngā mihi nui, Fiona Barker PRINCIPAL

Exam Revision
Check your Student Hub! Green Bay High School students have access to the online Student Hub. This should be utilised as the student's 'Go-To' for school based events and activities, including: Upcoming Events, Student Success, NCEA information, SchoolBridge APP, and much, much more!
With exams just around the corner, now is the time to become familiar with the tab In the Student Hub called: SCHOOL EXAM PERIOD.
The Student Hub (School Exam Period tab) has lots of valuable information - be sure…
23rd August 2024 at 9:58am