Green Bay High School

Wellbeing & Support

Pastoral Care

youth worker
Student Wellbeing & Support / Pastoral Care

Wellbeing is an important part of what we do at Green Bay High School. Our aim is to improve a student’s well being, which in turn reduces barriers to a student’s academic progress, and other life goals. Our strong pastoral team is committed to achieving this by working towards a socially healthy and emotionally safe school.

Counselling & Guidance

Counsellors are available to explore any difficulties and concerns students are facing. Our team is experienced in working with many issues which affect young people and their families. To achieve this we may work alongside families to support our students and also with external agencies to ensure families and students are able to access the resources available within our community.

Our Lead Counsellor is Gabriel De Guzman. Counsellors work from a client centered practice and use a variety of counselling methods in order to best support each client's needs and preferences.

Our counsellors are members of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors and adhere to their Code of Ethics. This ensures that counselling is conducted to a high professional standard and our counsellors are committed to continually developing their practice to provide the best support for our students. It also means that all counselling is confidential unless there is an imminent risk to safety.

24/7 Youth Work

The counselling team work alongside a team of 24/7 Youth workers. Melissa Bridle is our 24/7 Team Leader. 24/7 Youth Workers are here to further provide support to students through positive role-modeling, mentoring, and helping our young people navigate healthy choices.

Making an Appointment

Referrals are welcome from students, parents and staff. The best way to request an appointment is to use the Counselling Referral form (see below) and fill out the brief online form. Alternatively paper forms are available in Student Services in a tray (next to the staffroom door) labeled 'counselling request form'. Please hand your completed form to one of the friendly staff in Student Services once completed. Remember: if you need any help, just ask. Our team is happy to help!

It may be possible to see a counsellor immediately if urgent. Ask your teacher to give you a note to leave class. You must then report to Student Reception.

If you would like to find out more about the counselling services available at Green Bay High School, please contact Head Counsellor Gabriel De Guzman or click on any of our Pastoral Team members (shown below) to contact them via email.

Learning Support

Sarah Barrett-Hamilton is our SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator) who works closely with Learning Support Coordinators, Kim Vaigalu (Learning Support) and Clare Cheetham to support the pastoral and academic teams within our school, alongside students, whānau, and teaching staff, to help ensure that individual student’s learning and/or behaviour needs are met. For more information about Learning Support at Green Bay High School please CLICK HERE.

Student Services, Sick Bay, and School Nurses

Feeling unwell? Students who feel unwell during the school day should go to the school sick bay, situated in the Student Services area. Our Student Services team and School Nurses are here to help. If students need additional medical help or need to go home, a member of the Health team will contact parent/caregivers to make arrangements. Students will need to sign out before going home. Parents/Caregivers are requested to collect students from the Student Services area - located at the back entrance of the main Reception building. For more information about Student Services, Sick Bay, and School Nurses please CLICK HERE.

Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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