Green Bay High School

SNR End of Year Wrap-Up

Term 4 / 2024


SNR End of Year Wrap-Up

Friday, 18th October 2024 at 11:15am

NCEA Assemblies:

(Held in the Auditorium): Purpose: NCEA exam protocol and exam admission slips. Note: Copies of the Learner Information Sheet AND Examination Admission slips were given to students at Form time today (Friday 18 OCtober) - please see Amber Osborn in the main office if you did NOT receive it. Do NOT lose your Examination Admission slip! Click HERE for official NCEA exam timetable.

  • Year 12: Monday 21 October (Form Time)
  • Year 11: Tuesday 22 October (Form Time)
  • Year 13: Wednesday 23 October (Form Time)

    Seniors End-of-Year Assembly: Friday 25 October 2024

    (Held in the Auditorium). Note: This is the last day of school for senior students, who will then be on NCEA Study Leave, in preparation of NCEA exams. Students will be dismissed to go home at the end of their Assembly:

  • Year 13: Friday 25 October PERIOD 1
  • Year 12: Friday 25 October PERIOD 2
  • Year 11: Friday 25 October PERIOD 3

    FORMAL AWARDS CEREMONY: Tuesday 29th October 2024

    Purpose: (Yr 11 and Yr 12 Award Recipients only and their whānau) All awards recipients and whānau will be emailed on Monday 21st October 2024.
    Awards presented:
    Top in Subject, Special Awards, Honours
    Performances: Musical item

  • TIME: 8.40am Award Recipients and Te Ahi Kā only (to auditorium for run-through)
  • 9.40am Whānau arrive
  • 10.00am START with Formal welcome
  • 11.15am FINISH with photo opportunties / morning tea provided

    (INFORMAL) YEAR 13 LEAVERS' EVENT: Tuesday 29th October 2024

    Tuesday 29th October 2024 Purpose: (Social event for Year 13 students; Informal fun awards presented.)

  • TIME: 5.00pm
  • LOCATION: Library, courtyard and B Block classrooms
  • Organised by Yr 13 committee

    FORMAL YEAR 13 GRADUATION: Friday 29th November 2024

    TIME: 6.00pm START
    LOCATION: Church Unlimited 3 Te Atatu Rd, Glendene

    Awards presented:
    Graduation Certificates
    Academic - top in subject
    Musical items

  • 11am - 12.30pm - All students graduating are to attend a rehearsal (this is when student seats will be allocated), after the rehearsal all students can leave
  • 5.30pm - Student arrive and be seated by 5.45pm
  • 5.30pm - Doors open for whānau
  • 5.50pm - Everyone seated
  • 6.00pm - Ceremony begins


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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