Green Bay High School

Student Life

Whānaungatanga - Belonging

international student fun

Student Life

Hiranga - Excellence

International Science

Student Life

Hiranga - Excellence

Student Life

Whānaungatanga - Belonging

Application to Enrol

By choosing Green Bay High School you can be assured of earning a world-class education.

New Zealand Academic Calendar

The New Zealand Academic year runs from February to December and is divided into four terms of around ten weeks each. Between each term there is a two week holiday, which is a great time for international students to travel around New Zealand. Students are encouraged to participate in sports and other co-curricular activities at lunchtime, after school or at weekends. Two recent global reports have found that New Zealand leads the way in preparing students for future success in a time of rapid change. The New Zealand system places less importance on learning facts and more on teaching students how to learn and instilling a love of learning.

See the 'NZ Education' card below to read the article from Education New Zealand.

Length of Study

It is possible for international students to study at Green Bay High School for just three months, six months or one year as an overseas experience. This gives students the chance to experience a different lifestyle, try different sports and activities, and meet new friends.

Year Levels

New Zealand children start primary school when they are five years old and attend secondary school until they are 17 or 18 years old. Students must be 13 years old to be legally allowed to study at secondary school. Green Bay High School has five year levels:

  • Year 9: 13/14 years old
  • Year 10: 14/15 years old
  • Year 11: 15/16 years old
  • Year 12: 16/17 years old
  • Year 13: 17/18 years old

Usually students are placed in the right year for their age, however, some students may choose a lower year level if their English is not very strong. This will give them additional time to improve their language skills before participating in national exams.


Green Bay High School believes in investing in world-class facilities to assist learning. Our facilities include:

  • Modern classrooms
  • Computer access and wifi for all students and staff
  • Library and information centre featuring senior study and reading rooms
  • Auditorium
  • Purpose built Science block with laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Electronics
  • Purpose built Art block with a dark room, and computer suite with Design software
  • Dance studio with sprung floor
  • Music block with soundproof practice rooms
  • Gymnasium
  • Spacious fields for rugby, cricket, football and recreation
  • All-weather turf for tennis, hockey, netball etc.
BYOD - Bring Your Own Device

At Green Bay High School it is compulsory for students to bring personal devices to use in the classroom, so remember to pack a laptop or Chromebook. You can rent one from us if you don’t have one. Learning in New Zealand may be different to what you are used to in your home country, and the content will have a New Zealand focus. Students participate in their learning – i.e. teachers will expect you to ask questions of them and provide ideas for discussion. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The teaching method is inquiry based and uses relevant real life problems as scenarios for students to come up with solutions.

Your Pathway to Success!

We take pride in getting to know each individual student and doing everything we can to ensure they reach their academic goals. In addition to the usual support from the school, the international staff conduct interviews with individual students at least twice a year to determine goals, select subjects, and reflect on assessments. We have a very active Careers Department who spend time with each student to look at different options for students once they graduate, and assist them with the application process for tertiary study. In recent years our graduates have gone on to study at Auckland University and AUT, as well as enter universities in their home countries.


Green Bay High School delivers New Zealand’s National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 1 – 3. These are national qualifications for secondary school students and are widely recognised throughout the world. There will be assessments throughout the year and also national examinations in November. NCEA is the New Zealand’s national school-leaver qualification and is accepted overseas. It is well-regarded by employers and used for selection by universities, both in New Zealand and in other countries.

Click the cards below to watch a short video on how NCEA works (or) read the brochure for more information. Information regarding specific country requirements and NCEA Code of Practice are provided in the second section on this page.

Subject Choices

Green Bay High School provides students with the opportunity to explore a range of courses before deciding on specific pathways and preparing for the senior school. Year 9 students are required to study five compulsory core courses:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Health and Physical Education In addition Year 9 students are required to choose four option courses, one of which must be a second language, and five back-up options. All option courses, listed below in alphabetical order, are studied for one semester (two terms). Simply click on a subject to find out more information about that particular course, including costs involved.

The Course selection has an extensive list of subjects available.

What about outside of school hours?

Taking part in sports and other school activities is a great way to make new friends and take advantage of all that the school has to offer. These can range from musical groups to helping with school events to playing sports. You can talk to the international office for ideas of things to do. There are a wide range of extra-curricular activities available to students at Green Bay High School.

We recognise that opportunities to engage with these are important in supporting the development of a wide range of social and emotional skills for our students, as well as many of the key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum. In addition to students taking part in that which is offered by the school, they are encouraged to initiate activities if they have an idea or passion for something.

Be Social


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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