Green Bay High School

Course Selection 2025

(Current students only)

course selection 2025

Course Selection 2025

Tuesday, 6th August 2024 at 12:25pm


Students can now select their courses for 2025 online, via SchoolPoint.

(Note: this does NOT relate to Year 8 students enrolling at GBHS for next year).

Students are encouraged to talk with whānau, career advisors and their teachers before making their selections. Over the next three weeks, all students will be given opportunities to complete activities which will support them to make appropriate decisions, by looking at their strengths and goals.

Course selection will close for students on Friday 23 August.

You are able to view course information and options through SchoolPoint. You can access this by:

  • Going to SchoolPoint HERE and signing in using your username and password
  • Selecting ‘ Course Selection’ - from here you will be able to explore the different courses that are available

Parents can find more detailed information of the course selection process HERE, and some suggestions for how parents can help are in this article HERE written by our Careers department.

Information for students on how to select courses can be found HERE.

If you would like any further information or assistance with selecting courses, or the online process, please contact your child’s Dean:

The Careers department will also be available to discuss course selection and career pathways in E-block during the upcoming PST conferences on Wednesday 7 August and Thursday 8 August, 2024.


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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