Hockey West Auckland
Wednesday, 3rd July 2024 at 3:30pm
CONGRATULATIONS: to both of GBHS's Hockey teams, who made it into the final of the Hockey West Secondary Schools' competition!
The Boys' Game on Wednesday (3 July) was a fantastic game, with great sportsmanship displayed on both sides. The final score was a draw 0-0. GBHS and Avondale’s 1st X1 decided to share the win, making them dual winners of the competition. How great is that?!
On Thursday (4 July) the Girls' team put in a valiant effort, against Avondale 1st X1, coming away in 2nd place with a 3-2 loss, However, the girls' have had a superb season. We are very proud of both teams.
Students who are interested in playing in the Hockey Boys' school team in Term 3 (games are Wednesday afternoons/evenings) are requested to contact GBHS Sports Director Hamish Mackay