$10K Goal - halfway there!
Thursday, 13th March 2025 at 12:10pm
Our Relay for Life fundraising goal has reached over $6,000 (so far). Well done...and thank you!
For the second year in a row, Green Bay High School is getting behind NZ Cancer Society's biggest fundraising event: Relay for Life Please click HERE to donate to our official Relay for Life fundraising page and help us reach our target!
If you are interested in joining our GBHS team for Relay for Life this year please email Mrs Webb [email protected] Meetings are taking place every Monday interval in the meeting room by front reception to organise fundraising and logistics for the event.
Raising awareness and support for those who are fighting their own battles, or have lost loved ones to cancer, Relay For Life aims to provide funds for ground-breaking cancer research, vital prevention programmes and support networks.
Held at the AUT Millennium Stadium, from 10am to 10pm Saturday 5 April 2025, the Relay for Life will see team members alternate to keep the baton in motion, for a total of 12 hours!
Any patai/questions? Please contact Deputy Principal Elaine Webb via email: [email protected]