Green Bay High School

Teacher Training Programme


ASTTP 2024

Teacher Training Programme

Thursday, 8th February 2024 at 3:05pm

Auckland Schools' Teacher Training Programme

Green Bay High School is part of the Auckland Schools' Teacher Training Programme (ASTTP), in partnership with the University of Waikato.
The programme is an excellent opportunity for people in our local community to completed this one year course. Trainee ASTTP teachers work alongside teaching mentors at GBHS, and also attend remote lectures to complete assignments for Waikato University.
This year, we are pleased to offer a warm welcome to Ben Wilson (Mathematics), Ange Fleming (Sciences), and Josie Lipsombe (PE/Health).

Angela Fleming (Sciences)

Ko Angela Fleming tōku ingoa, I have a Masters of Health Science, BSc (Zoology/Psychology), New Zealand Certificate of Science (Microbiology) and 25 years working various research science laboratory roles in Universities, Hospitals and commercial settings in Aotearoa and London.
I’ve had a fun and varied career as a biomedical scientist in London labs, marine biologist and worked in genetics/bioinformatics.
I worked at Victoria University of Wellington for 15 years as the Technical Officer for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. During this time, I worked on various research projects and in the marine biology/coastal ecology lab as a scientific diver and skipper.
I have a strong interest in regenerative horticulture and environmental issues. After moving to Auckland in 2019 with my family, I took up a role with Garden to Table as the regional coordinator for West Auckland and science consultant for curriculum resources for primary and intermediate schools. Some of you may have even met me in this role as I visited schools such as Glen Eden Primary, Fruitvale School, Ōrātia District School, Oaklynn Special School, and Green Bay School amongst others.
I have considered secondary school teaching for many years now and was very excited when I learnt about the ASTTP programme, and the intensive on-the-job mentoring it offers. After considering several schools, I felt like Green Bay High School was the right fit for me.
I am observing and co-teaching Year 10 and Year 11 science classes for 2024, as well as studying at Waikato University (online).

Ben Wilson (Mathematics)

Kia ora! After a lifetime of work in IT, mostly in software development and statistics work, I am moving toward teaching Maths and Statistics.
My interest in teaching has been long standing and long delayed, it's a chance to do work that I know from life experience will benefit all students.
I bring many years of using the maths and particularly the stats skills that I will be teaching in a wide range of projects, and many industries from finance, to transport, to IoT device invention, both in NZ and abroad.
The ASTTP programme provides an excellent pathway into teaching, compressing the time before real experience working as a teacher can be attained, whilst giving me a full teaching diploma.
I look forward to working at Green Bay High School, in my own neighborhood, surrounded by my people.
I look forward to meeting parents, teachers, iwi and mostly all the students!

Josie Lipscombe (PE/Health)

Kia ora team! I have a long association with Green Bay, starting my school years at Green Bay Montessori, Green Bay School (Primary and Intermediate) and was also a student at Green Bay High School.
I did have to 'leave the hood' to get Bachelors of Health Science at AUT but it's good to be back!
Teaching is in my DNA, both my parents were teachers (past GBHS pupils may remember my father, John Lipscombe aka "Lippy") so it feels like a natural progression building on my strengths. Integrating my passion for physical activity into a profession while making a positive impact on students health and well-being.
Being part of the ASTTP programme will allow me to complete my diploma in secondary school teaching. 2024 is going to be full-on.
Working at Green Bay High School while studying fulltime and having just started a young family, I'm sure some days I'll be thriving and other days may feel like I am just surviving but I'm looking forward to a busy yet exciting year ahead.


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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