Green Bay High School

Newsletter 1_26 January 2023

Welcome Back


Newsletter 1_26 January 2023

Thursday, 26th January 2023 at 8:30am

The first newsletter of 2023 is out! Check out our NCEA achievement rates; the place of phones in school life; property improvements over summer; uniform standards and more. Welcome back!

Kia ora e te whānau,
The countdown is on! In just a few days we will welcome our new Year 9 students to school, and all students will follow a few days later.
You’ll notice that there has been a lot of improvement to our buildings and grounds over the summer - we are particularly happy with the new improved staircase between F and D Blocks. Check it out when you next visit!

The initial NCEA results are out and I am proud of the achievement of our senior students. Despite it being a tough year, our achievement remained high, with GBHS achievement above both National and Decile 8-10 averages; Level 1 - 88% pass rate Level 2 - 88% pass rate Level 3 - 85% pass rate
We are working on a full analysis of results, which we’ll share over the next few weeks once results are finalised.
Below is some useful information to make sure the year gets off to a smooth start.

Phones Youth and phone use is always on our minds. In term 1, we will be talking in detail with staff, students and our school community about their place in school life.

Phone use for Year 9 and 10 students All Year 9 and 10 students must ensure that devices remain on silent in bags during class time and form time. There will be no lessons where Year 9 and 10 students need to use phones, earpods or headphones. This includes when walking to and from the toilet, going to the Deans, going to student services, and during form time.

Phone use for Year 11, 12 and 13 students Senior students will from time to time use their phones as part of a learning activity. Otherwise, phones, earpods and headphones should be in bags during class time (and on silent or switched off) unless a teacher is allowing students to use the phone for a learning activity. This includes when walking to and from the toilet, going to the Deans, going to student services, and during form time. Phones are not to be used in place of a chromebook or laptop.

A note for parents If you need to get a message to your child urgently during class time, please contact Student Services (817-8173 ext 205).

Borrowing devices If a student needs to borrow a Chromebook for the day, they should go to the library before the beginning of period 1. Students who borrow a device for longer than a day will need to complete a contract, which will be signed by their parent or caregiver and returned to school. Please feel free to contact Sandy Begg (098178173 ex 216) to discuss this.

How we do uniforms - wear your uniform with pride

  • The uniform should be clean, tidy and worn as designed. Our uniform has a wide range of items to choose from so all students should be able to find a suitable combination.
  • All uniform must be the regulation design and pattern – as purchased online through ArgyleOnline.
  • Uniform trousers are dark blue not black. Dickies/jeans are not part of the uniform.
  • Shoes must be flat, plain black, with black soles and black laces.
  • Socks must be plain black (no logo) and ankle length.
  • Extreme hairstyles and/or artificial colouring are not permitted.
  • Hair accessories (hair bands/ties etc) must be navy blue or black in colour only.
  • Nail polish is to be clear, with no artificial tips or colouring.
  • No visible makeup.
  • Jewellery should be minimal. This means: students are not permitted to wear rings, bracelets or visible necklaces. Students are permitted to wear a maximum of two small studs or sleeper earrings per ear and a small nose stud.
  • School sports team jackets or sweatshirts are only to be worn at sports events.
  • Garments worn under the school uniform must be white only, and must not be visible. (No coloured t-shirts).

    We’re looking forward to another busy and successful year, Ngā mihi nui Fiona Barker PRINCIPAL


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road, Green Bay
Auckland 0643
New Zealand
PO BOX 80002

Tel +64 9 817 8173
Absences Ext. 234 or press ‘1’ (one)
Email [email protected]

For contact details of individual staff, including Year level deans, please navigate to our staff directory

Kōtuitui Community

Green Bay High School is proudly part of the Kōtuitui community of learning, a learning network of 12 West Auckland schools. Learn more about the community on the Kotuitui website.
Kotuitui Community of Learning

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