Production Prep
Thursday, 22nd June 2023 at 7:25am
GBHS Production.
Calling creative GBHS Year 12 and 13 students! If you are interested in helping with makeup for the school production, please come and meet with teacher Hannah Hopkins, at interval on Tuesday 27th June, in D5.
Students who are part of the 'Front of House Team 2023' (tickets and refreshments) are invited to come along to a quick meeting early next term on the second day back (Tuesday 18 July) at the start of lunchtime in the auditorium foyer. Please let Jo Orr know if you can't make it.
Do you have any of the following props and are willing to lend or donate them to the fantastic cause which is the GBHS School Production? We are on the lookout for:
- Large, sturdy cardboard boxes (ideally without branding)
- Black umbrellas
- Black/grey briefcases
- Long black/grey raincoats
Please contact Performing Arts coordinator Magdalena Hoult for more information.