Friday, 24th March 2023 at 1:05pm
Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together Face to Face Community Workshops for the Changes to Planning and Reporting.
The Ministry of Education are holding face-to-face ākonga, parent, whānau and community workshops, where they will be talking about planning and reporting. The programme, Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together, is focused on preparing for the upcoming changes to planning and reporting legislation and requirements.
They would like to share these preparations with you, to not only ensure you are in the know, but also to gather your feedback on the proposed supports - e.g. the tools, resources and support channels to be developed. They need your voice and help co-creating these supports, to ensure they are fit for purpose and add value where it is needed.
These workshops will be held at the following places from 6.00pm - 8:30pm:
- Tuesday 28 March: Bluelight, Papakura. 159 Dominion Road, Papakura
- Wednesday 29 March: Henderson Intermediate School: 70 Lincoln Road, Henderson
If you’d like to take part in either of these workshops, please email [email protected] to register your interest. Food and drink will be provided, and they look forward to seeing you there!
For further information on planning and reporting and the consultation process, please click on the following link: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi: Planning Together for Ākonga Success – Our School, Our Community – Conversation space (education.govt.nz).