Wet Weather
Tuesday, 9th May 2023 at 12:19pm
WET WEATHER UPDATE (12.19pm, Tues 9 May 2023)
The school site:
We are actively monitoring flooding across the school site and surrounding roads. We have some classes where there is some dampness coming into classrooms. We are moving those students and teachers to other classrooms in the school. Everyone is safe.
Signing out:
It is essential that all students follow the normal signing-out procedures. Parents/Caregivers who would like to collect their child should contact STUDENT SERVICES (817-8173 ext 205) to report that you are collecting your child. Due to the number of students currently signing out, we have decided to make our SCHOOL LIBRARY the collection point. We are actively watching the situation and will be providing updates via email, our SchoolBridge App, the school website, and Facebook.
Will be coming at the normal time.
Accessing the school:
At this stage, there is no access to or from the school site from the bottom Stottholm Road gate or the Firle Place gate. Any parents coming to collect students need to use the Godley Road entrance.
Take care. Fiona Barker, Principal