Soaring Success
Thursday, 21st March 2024 at 9:50am
Congratulations to Cameron Moffat (Year 12) who has been awarded a National Scholarship - The Ross MacPherson Memorial - at the recent National Flying Awards dinner, held in Ashburton.
The Scholarship will help Cameron obtain his private pilot’s licence and follow his dreams of becoming an air ambulance pilot.
“The interest in flying began when I was in Year 7,” says Cameron, who learned about the Young Eagle program after talking to pilots he met at the Air Training Core.
“And it all took off from there!”
Taking to the skies with his first lesson in the air at just 15 years of age, Cameron says there was a lot of groundwork to cover first, such as learning the controls and their effects.
While being in control of a flight is “absolutely, really exciting,” Cameron says being part of the flying community is what he loves most.
“It’s the people, the experience, the club events and the support.”
Cameron is a Young Eagle from the North Shore Aero Club and a junior non-commissioned officer with No 3 (Auckland City) Squadron Air Cadets.
Onwards and upwards Cameron, we are sure you will achieve your dreams!
(Cameron is pictured above (on right), with Unit Commander Neale Thomson, No. 3 Squadron Air Training Core).